Aims and Objectives

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Aims and Objectives

Thus our core values are equipping students for exceptional professional achievements and impact the cultural heritage of our land while studying abroad. Sharing ideas, experiences and inspiring each other to be great leaders in the society


The Nigerian students’ Union UK (NSUUK) is the umbrella body for all Nigerian student associations in the UK. We are a non-profit making organization run by Nigerian Students and exist to Empower, inspire and motivate Nigerian students and youths to get active and assume leadership positions in their institutions and in society so as to stand out and fulfil their goals and aspirations in life. Our goal is to place Nigerian Students and youths in the forefront as leading achievers and a force to be reckoned with, for many years to come.

  • Uniting all Nigerian students in the UK by providing a forum to contribute their skills & ideas towards the growth and development of Nigeria.
  • To Empower & Inspire Nigerian students by providing the support & collective strength to enable the fulfilment of their aspirations academically, morally, socially etc.
  • To promote quality & functional education both in the UK and in Nigeria for self-development and capacity building.
  • Organising conferences, job fairs and seminars where Nigerian students can learn & get inspired from, gain employment and build networks.
  • To Work as a progressive body together with other Nigerian organisations in projecting a positive image of Nigeria to the world.
  • To develop an effective successor generation by involving youths in positive thoughts and ventures that would dissuade them from social vices such as gangs and crime through mentoring and leadership building.